Friday, April 28, 2017

Create your own Font Assignment

In this assignment you first want to create an account on When finished you want to create an alphabet including capital and lower case letters. Not including the symbols and stuff. Next when you got everything done you want to type every letter capital and lowercase in the preview bar. Then from there you want to screen shot it. When done open image in photoshop edit if needed and save as jpeg. Then post you font to your blog.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hybrid Character Assignment

In this assignment you first want to find 3 or more unique cartoon characters. When you found those 3 next open them all in photoshop. Then you want to cut out parts of their bodies that you need. Next begin arranging the body parts together. Your end product should be a hybrid cartoon character. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

What I did was use Bart Simpson's body, Lisa Simpson's head, and Spongebob's legs and feet, in order to do this assignment.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Colorized Drawing Assignment

In this assignment you first want to begin to draw a picture, including background images, on a blank piece of white paper like printer paper. Next you want begin drawing with a pencil then going over with a black felt tip marker. Make sure you connect all the lines as you draw. When done go to the scanning machine and scan your image and save to a flash drive. Then open the image in photoshop and starting coloring it. You make also you gradients, patterns, and etc in order to color your image. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Top 5 Assignments I Have Done

1. Animated .gif Assignment

2. Where's Waldo Josh Assignment
3. 9 Panel Comic Strip Assignment
4. Retouching Assignment
5. Portrait Montage Using Different Backgrounds Assignment

Create an Animated .gif file Assignment

In this assignment you want to create a .gif. In order to do this you first want to create or find all the images you need in order to create the gif. Next put them in a folder and open it in photoshop CS5. Then click enter a bunch of times until all the images are there. When done you can delay a bunch of slides and etc. When all done save as .gif and post to blog.

What I created was a plane crash that was crashing in SpringField from "The Simpsons."

Monday, April 10, 2017

Panoramic Image Assignment

In this assignment you first want to take a sequence of pictures, at least 10, in a row as you move across a scene. Next open them in photoshop. From them arrange all the images in one image. As you arrange your images make sure they're not perfectly aligned. They should be in a puzzle shape way. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Retouching Assignment

In this assignment you first want to find an image of an old person. Next open that image in photoshop. From there you want to do whatever you can to make this person look younger. Your goal is to make the person look younger. Like get rid of the wrinkles, etc. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Magazine Cover Assignment

In this assignment you do the exact same thing you did with the movie poster assignment. But the only thing thats different is that you use a magazine cover. First you want to find a magazine cover you want to use. Next take a picture of yourself in the pose of the magazine cover. Then cut your face and place it on the cover. From there you wan to enhance the image and blend it. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Movie Poster Assignment

In this assignment you first want to find a movie poster image. Next take a picture of yourself like the way the person in the picture is. Then cut your image out and place it on the poster where you want it.       From there you want enhance your image by adjusting color and lighting. Also you can use the eraser tool on a low opacity to blend. Your goal is to seem that your face is actually on the poster. When done flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Photo Collage With Text Features Assignment

In this assignment your basically do what it says. First you want to take a bunch of pictures. Next you want to arrange them in a collage. Then when your done arranging them you want to begin adding text features on the pictures. When finished flatten image, save as jpeg, and post to blog.